Wow, it’s been more than 8 months!

I would have sworn I updated this since her birth, but I guess not. :-/

The baby was finally born on October 5, 2010. She was 10lbs 2oz and 22″ long. We finally decided to evict her by scheduled C-section after my 39 week appointment found that I was already about 4cm dilated and almost fully effaced, but the baby refused to move down at all, and the ultrasound estimated weight at 10lbs 12oz. Honestly, I don’t think she was going to fit through my pelvis. Despite having a large bone structure, my hips are pretty narrow. I was in early labor the Saturday before my Monday appointment, but everything stopped as soon as I fully reclined to rest up.

I do not regret my decision at all. The surgery was quick — less than 20 minutes from when I entered the room until she was out, including giving me the spinal block. My recovery was quick, I had very little pain, and the baby was perfect in every way. We named her Annabelle, which I think was a shock to everyone. Too bad, it fits her, and we like it.

She is doing wonderfully. She’s always been a little ahead of the curve, but only at what she really wants to do. She saw very little benefit to sitting up by herself for a long time, even though she physically could. Now, at 8 months, she is crawling like crazy, pulling herself up, and cruising the furniture. I think we might have a month or so before she stands without assistance and starts trying to walk, but it all depends on what she wants to do.

It goes so fast!

Add a comment June 15, 2011


I really thought I would have given birth by now.  But, alas, baby is still in there baking away, getting bigger every day.  So I’m disappointed that she’s not here yet.

I had another appointment on Monday, where they did do another internal exam.  I hadn’t made a lot of progress since the last time, despite having some bloody show for the past week (at this point) and feeling like the baby’s head was sitting right in my pelvis…  The doc said I was 2-3cm dilated and “at least” 60% effaced.  So a little, but not much for 2 weeks, and I’m disappointed about that.

I have another ultrasound on Monday (39 weeks 2 days) if I make it that far, to check her size.  I fully expect her to be pushing 10lbs, at which point I’m guessing they will either suggest scheduling a C-section or maybe, if she’s not quite that big, trying to induce me.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Add a comment September 29, 2010
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Full term!

I reached full term on Saturday!  That’s pretty awesome.  She’s been “viable” for quite a while now, but there’s nothing like hearing “full term” for easing the worry.

I had another growth scan at 36 weeks 2 days, and, well, baby is estimated to be BIG.  The estimation was 8lbs 5oz at that point, which, if she goes to 40 weeks, means she could be over 10lbs.  If I’m still pregnant in a couple weeks, they will do another ultrasound to check size, and if they think she’s over 10lbs, they will likely offer me a C-section.

No, I don’t have gestational diabetes — my test was fine and the urine test comes back fine every time.  She’s just…big.  Luckily, her head circumference is one of the smaller things about her, which is awesome, since I’ve been worried about that.  My husband has a big head, and his mother apparently struggled during his birth, where they used both forceps AND the vacuum extractor.  She has a long femur, though, so she might be tall — that’s good, too.  I’m not short (not especially tall, either), and neither is my husband (6’1″), but I do have short legs for my height.

Since she was large, they went ahead and did an internal exam at 36 weeks, and found I was 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced.  That can mean pretty much nothing, but it was nice to know I was getting started already, with the few contractions I’ve had.  I have them almost every evening, sometimes during the day, but they don’t generally hurt, so I guess they’re just Braxton Hicks.

I am on to weekly appointments now, and everything is still good — BP, urine, heartbeat, movement…  They didn’t check me again today since they had last week.  Honestly, though, I am hoping I don’t make it to my next appointment.  I’d rather not make it to/past 40 weeks and have to decide whether we should do a C-section or not because she is too big.

Yes, the estimations can be off.  But, they can be off in either direction…so, earlier is better, now that she’s likely to be perfectly fine if she’s born a little early.  (My family tends toward early girl babies, and all of them have been healthy.  I am hoping to follow the trend.)

Add a comment September 20, 2010
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32 weeks.

Standard appointment. My fundal height is measuring 2 weeks ahead, same as 2 weeks ago. The pain I’m feeling (in my pelvis and occasionally my hips) is normal. The Braxton Hicks I’ve been getting every so often is also normal. Weight is ok, blood pressure is fine. Back in two weeks.

Add a comment August 19, 2010

30 weeks already?

I had my 30 week appointment on Monday.  We had an ultrasound first, to check on the baby’s size, since they were concerned about me measuring  weeks ahead last time.  Turns out all is fine; the baby is measuring at a little over a week ahead, 4lbs 3oz estimate on her weight, in the 75th percentile.  There’s no excess fluid or anything, either.  After, my fundal height measured about the same as it was two weeks ago, so either last time the baby had just had a growth spurt, or the measurement was just wrong, or something.  Anyway, nothing to worry about.  Yay!

We didn’t get any really awesome pictures of her face, since she was being shy.  She was head down, face down, so it was hard to see her face at all, and when the tech found it, she had her hand up there…and her foot!  She was holding her foot right in front of her face.  Silly girl.

They also did a quick check of the gender to assuage my concerns, and she still looks like a girl, so that’s good.  And her head is a perfectly normal size, still.  Shew.  If she stays in her percentile and I don’t give birth until 40 weeks, she’s on track for being over 8lbs.

Everything else is going just fine.  So, more ho hum and just waiting until my next appointment in 2 weeks!

We did visit a couple of day care centers finally, and found one we really like.  We hope we get in; it’s convenient, and nice, and has lots of outdoor space, and is actually cheaper than the other place we looked.  Fingers crossed!

Add a comment August 3, 2010
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It’s been over a month already?

I can’t believe I haven’t posted in so long!  I wanted to at least document each OB appointment I had…

I had my 25 week appointment on June 29th.  That was just the standard appointment — pee in a cup, get weighed, blood pressure, fundal height measurement, hear the baby’s heartbeat.  Turns out at that appointment I measured 2 weeks ahead in my fundal height, and otherwise everything was fine — besides the doc saying I had gained a bit too much, but having been gaining slowly before that, as long as that trend didn’t continue it was ok.  Then they scheduled me for my glucose tolerance test (GTT) 3 weeks after that.

So then this week, on July 20th, I went in for that appointment.  The GTT wasn’t too bad, really.  I was hungry, since it was first thing in the morning and I had to fast for at least 3 hours before, and the drink wasn’t great, but it didn’t make me feel sick or anything.  During the 1 hour wait before they took my blood, I was seen by the PA, who said that my fundal height was measuring 4 weeks ahead.  EEP!  So because of that, they’re going to do an ultrasound at my next appointment to check her size.  Gestational diabetes could cause larger babies, but the next day, I got a call saying that I had passed my GTT!  So, no gestational diabetes.  The nurse said I barely passed, but passing is better than not, and I hear most people who fail go on to pass the 3 hour test anyway, so I’m not going to feel bad about it, nyah.

My next appointment is Monday, August 2nd…which means we are now at OB appointments every 2 weeks instead of every month.  I can’t believe I’m already there.  In the third trimester.  And thinking that the baby might be born early…we need to get a move on with the nursery!  Here’s hoping she’s still a girl when we get the ultrasound that day.  🙂

The baby continues to move around a lot.  I’ve started having to do kick counts, but my doctor is relatively lenient about them — I just need to count 4 movements within an hour.  That’s usually no problem whatsoever with this little girl.

I found out this evening I might be having two baby showers.  My mother-in-law suggested having one in my husband’s home town for all his aunts and everything on that side, and my best friend has been planning one where we live, too.  So, that’s interesting.

I’m behind on finding daycare, but we’ve decided to use our family doctor’s practice for a pediatrician, so all we have to do there is give them a call, I guess.  I also need to send in my paperwork for pre-registration at the hospital.  I *think* that’s about all I need to do at this point…

Add a comment July 24, 2010
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Not long after I started feeling kicks, my husband was able to feel them too!  On the day I turned 21 weeks, I went to bed and was feeling my stomach.  She hadn’t been moving or kicking, but as soon as I put my hand in one place and pushed a bit, she kicked.  So, I took his hand and put it right there…sure enough, she kicked a couple more times, and he could feel it!  I was so afraid it would take forever for him to be able to feel it, since I do have extra weight on my tummy, but I think she’s a strong one in there.

I’ve been feeling her every day, unmistakably.  I must admit, this has certainly been great for the worrying.  I had a little bit of spotting today (after intercourse), but since I could feel the baby moving after that, well, I didn’t worry so much.  I do have my next doctor’s appointment on Tuesday, so I’ll let them know about it then, but I don’t think I’ll worry as much as I would have if I couldn’t feel her moving so well.

Add a comment May 31, 2010
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Wow, she’s really in there!

I have been kind of feeling the baby for a couple of weeks now, but there was nothing that couldn’t have potentially been something else — I was pretty sure it was her, but it wasn’t consistant or really anything like what anyone else talked about.

And then, two nights ago, I was just sitting on the sofa, and I swear she kicked me for about five minutes. The next day, sitting at work after breakfast…same thing. And then again today.

It is so weird to have unmistakable proof that there is actually a little being inside me, moving around, big enough to be felt even on the outside. Weird, and wonderful!

Add a comment May 28, 2010

Level 2 ultrasound!

I had my level 2 ultrasound done on Friday. That is where they check out all of the baby’s systems, measure bones and everything else (including the brain) to check for any problems. It is also generally done at a point when you can find out the sex of the baby.

Most importantly, the baby is doing great. Everything they found only lowered the chances that the baby would have Downs Syndrome or either of the Trisomy issues they specifically check for. They found nothing of any concern whatsoever. Huge relief, even though my numbers from the NT test were already very good.

Secondly, the baby was not modest, and they were able to get a good shot to indicate the sex. And…it’s a girl!!!! I was completely shocked. I wanted a girl, but had been preparing myself for a boy, because that just seemed most likely. IUI timing, my husband’s family history, it all just seemed like it was pointing to boy. I had even prepared more for boy names than girls, that’s how convinced I was. So I am shocked, but so happy! The doctor was even able to get a second look when she came in, and confirmed the tech’s prediction.

I am still getting used to saying “she” instead of “he”, though. 🙂

Add a comment May 10, 2010

Monthly visit

I had my monthly OB visit today. It was fairly uneventful. Pee in a cup, get weighed and measured, and then a short chat with the doc while she found the heartbeat with the Doppler. I didn’t ask, and she didn’t volunteer, what the heartrate was, but it was way faster than mine, which she found first. There was a slightly scary moment before she found the baby’s heartbeat, but all in all, I was considerably more calm for this appointment than any of the previous ones. Yay!

The big anatomy scan is on Friday, and I just can’t wait! There are so few gender-neutral options for clothes out there, and I have been dying to buy something adorable for my baby. 🙂

Add a comment May 4, 2010






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